Social Networking

Welcome to the “Information Age”! 

Most people are still operating under the business rules of the “Industrial Age” which is a HUGE MISTAKE.

Have you read and studied each of these books?  

Well I have and there are ways in which your business needs to operate!

  1. The Social Media Bible – Lon Safko
  2. 99 Ways to make money using Twitter
  3. The Power of Social Networkingsocialnet
  4. Street Smarts
  5. Social Media Marketing – An Hour a Day
  6. Ka Ching – How to Run an Online Business that Pays and Pays
  7. Blur – The speed of change in the connected economy – Davis / Meyer
  8. Multiple Streams of Internet Income – Robert G. Allen
  9. I’m On LinkedIn – Now What? – Jason Alba
  10. Waiting for your Cat to Bark
  11. Twitter Power 2.0
  12. Twitter Marketing – An Hour a Day
  13. YouTube and Video Marketing – An Hour a Day

Join Me over at my website and learn how business is changing and why you’re being left behind!

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